CRWs for Vintage Vehicles in Ireland: What You Need to Know
If you own a vintage vehicle in Ireland, it’s important that you understand what your obligations are under Irish law. Standard cars need what’s known as a Certificate of Roadworthiness (CRW) so that they meet all the relevant standards and keep everyone on Ireland’s roads safe.
Key Rules for Tachograph Drivers in Ireland
Tachographs are essential devices for monitoring driving times, breaks, and rest periods of professional drivers, ensuring adherence to road safety regulations. In Ireland, the following rules must be complied with.
Answering Your FAQs About Hazardous Vehicle CVRTs
At Argent Equipment, we offer a wide range of commercial vehicle testing services from bus testing to truck & trailer testing. Also available from our Dublin workshops is ADR testing for vehicles that transport hazardous goods and that’s the focus of this article.
What to Do Before Applying for your ADR Test & Certificate
At Argent Equipment, we offer a wide range of commercial vehicle testing services which includes the Accord Dangereux Routier test or ADR CVRT.
This is mandatory for vehicles like fuel tankers and chemical transporters and it checks for roadworthiness, as well as things like hazardous goods labelling, tank integrity, fire extinguishers, emergency kits, and safety equipment compliance.
How to Apply for an ADR Test in Ireland
The ADR (Accord Dangereux Routier) certificate or ADR test, as it’s otherwise known, is an additional mandatory requirement for hazardous goods vehicles, such as those that transport fuel, explosives or dangerous chemicals.
What You Need to Know About Voluntary Tests
At Argent Equipment, we’re the trusted name in commercial vehicle testing in Dublin and we are committed to helping our customers in every we can. As well as offering everything from HCV testing to tachograph installation and calibration, we’re keen to educate our readers about the obligations commercial vehicle owners have in Ireland. It’s why we create blogs like these!
Reasons Why a HCV Testing Centre Might Refuse a Vehicle
At Argent Equipment, we're known across Dublin for offering the very best in HCV testing - a necessary part of owning and operating a commercial vehicle in Ireland. This is the latest in our ongoing series of blogs that serve to educate our customers about the finer details of the commercial vehicle testing services we offer.
Light & Heavy Vehicle Seatbelt Rules - What You Need to Know
When providing our comprehensive commercial vehicle testing services, our customers ask us a lot of questions. Because we offer seatbelt testing as part of these broad services, many of these questions concern seat belts and the laws that govern them.
Tachograph & Speed Limiter Management for Road Safety
Here, we examine tachograph and speed limiter management and how they help to keep Ireland’s roads safer for all motorists.
Keeping Vehicle Records
The Argent Equipment team is committed to helping our customers stay safe on the road through our comprehensive range of commercial vehicle testing services. We also regularly create blogs like this one to educate our readers on the many aspects of HCV CVRTs, LCV testing, motorhome testing and more.
How to Improve Your CVORI Rating
Today, we look at something known as the Commercial Vehicle Operator Risk Indicator (CVORI), which aims to protect the safety of all motorists on Ireland's roads. More specifically, we examine how you can ensure your CVORI rating is the best it can be.
What You Need to Know About ADR Testing
At Argent Equipment, we create regular articles like this one to educate our readers about important matters from Ireland's commercial vehicle testing industry. Today, we're here to shed some light on one particular area of our work - ADR testing - something that focuses on ensuring that hazardous goods vehicles are safe and properly maintained.
Tachograph Supply & Fit for Trucks in Dublin
A tachograph is a mandatory device that's fitted to certain types of commercial vehicles and trucks in Ireland. Automatically recording vehicle distances and speeds, as well as driving and resting times, there are both digital and analogue devices available.
Answering Your FAQs about CVRT Testing
At Argent Equipment, we offer a wide range of vehicle testing services from our Dublin-based workshops. From ADR testing to LCV testing, our commercial vehicle testing team has the expertise and experience needed to meet all of your needs.
Today, we're here to talk about the humble speed limiter, the important role it plays for commercial vehicle drivers and its associated testing requirements.